Customs and culture in Krakau
Contact: +43(0)3535/8239 and +43(0)664/1555969 and
In our "Krakau" traditions and customs are very important. Celebrat our festivals with us.
On Shrove Monday there is a carnival race in Krakaudorf (every odd year)
Timbered Easter fire, Easter procession, Corpus Christi parade and our big Samson festival where the giant dances are just a few of our highlights.
At Christmas, on the first weekend in Advent, there is a rosette in the Church of St. Oswald, in the houses is incendiary and St.3 kings come into the house. Christmas markets take place on all weekends in Advent.
Target shooting at Schattensee and various festivals of the local clubs have a long tradition.
Very beautiful old churches and chapels can be visited and there is a village museum in Krakaudorf, where an old farm has been converted ino a museum, as well as the mineral museum with local minerals and crystals from all over the world seeing.
Village Museum in Krakaudorf
During the summer holidays on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. open
Carnival races on Shrove Monday every odd year
Every 2 years the traditional carnival race takes place in Krakaudorf. A unique spectacle that starts punctualy at 4 a.m. in the morning and lasts until 8 p.m. A toal of 65 men (36 of them Schellfasching) who live the ancient customs in the truest sense of the world - and visit almost all of the sometimes very remote houses and farms, which means that between 40 and 50 km of distance have to be covered on foot.
The bo0ss at the moment is Robert Siebenhofer, the red-clad walker. A total of 13 so-called Speng have to be overcome, which are often stretched up to 3 meters yoke.
Well fed at every stop, there are at least 30 snacks and several dozen shots of schnapps on this holiday.
Details about the carnival race can be found at the end of the picture gallery. Image 3 is a repro from 1947. Custom that is now part of the immaterial world cultural heritage.Easter - timbered Easter fire
In Krakaudorf - die Oswaldikirche mit dem wunderschönen "Holzkassetten"+
Der Kalvarienberg in Krakaudorf mit 4 Stationen (gebetet wird gemeinsam am Palmsonntag, Karfreitag und beim Erntedankfest) - aber auch jederzeit als Wanderung empfehlenswert, da man hier den schönsten Blick über unser gesamtes Tal geniessen kann. Holzgeschnitzten Figuren auch ganz oben in der kleinen Kapelle.
Die Ulrichskapelle am Hollerberg - eine der wenigen im gothischen Stil erhaltenen Kirchen
Die Ulrichskirche in Krakauebene
Der "steirische Hergott" (heiliger Isidor) mit Lederhose und Hut, in der Fortnerkapelle in KrakauschattenOswald Sunday
On the 1st Sunday in August - Oswaldi Sunday - the traditonal church consecration festival takes place with marksmen, a music band and the giant Samson (a 5 meter high figure weighing 80 kg).
The giant Samson dances from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. At 8:00 a..m- Schützenamt. 10:00 a.m. High Mass followed by a processionVideo ansehen - Samsonfest am 1. Sonntag im August
Seit 2010 gehört dieses außergewöhnliche Brauchtum des "Samsontragen" zum UNESCO Kulturerbe. Es lohnt sich dieses Fest zu besuchen. Tradition die von der Bevölkerung getragen wird.
Thanksgiving in Krakaudorf
Harvest Festival in Krakaudorf with the Schützenmusikkapelle.
Always on the 1st Sunday in AugustWater target shooting at Schattensee
Water target shooting sat Schattensee und Prebersee have a long tradition. You aim at the reflection of the target on the water and hit the opposite target.